Wednesday, December 16, 2015

FrankenLegs extended

OK, sure most have you seen my original FrankenSpider legs made of Zip Ties. They work great, are super light, super cheap and work also somewhat as shock absorbers. But over time, well they began to sag.  They were made of super heavy duty zip ties (120lbs strength not the cheapo 50lbs ones that are common in most homes) which I think I forgot to mention when I did the posting before about how they were made.
Well one new issue, I just got a Runcam2 and it's a tad bit thicker that the older RuncamHD, which when strung under the quad was already a bit to close to the ground and I am not gunna have my new Runcam2 bouncing off rocks and such during landings...


No clearance
Well, simple solution is to just use longer zip ties right? well no, they just end up sagging more, and higher strength ones that would hold up wont fit in the holes and such as they are wider.  So, what to do? Well use longer, but actually slightly weaker zip ties (11" 75lbs strength) and just add a short piece of straw slipped over to stiffen up the leg...  :)
Works like a charm! Still light, still flexible and springy, still ridiculously cheap to do.

Straws added
I did pull a bit through the hole in the motor mount and bent it over, tucked it back into the straw and put a dab of glue on the tip to keep it from pulling out of the straw.  Clears the Runcam2 now easily !